Time for reflection and rest

I am living in a bubble for a brief period of time semi disconnected from everyday life and responsibilities.  With the age of the internet this becomes harder to achieve as it becomes purely choice by oneself to cut yourself off from all things. Personally a little bit of engagement on the things that motivate and inspire me helps with the work of writing, thinking and problem solving.

The ability to process matters long held in the buffer and turn them around and around to look at them in different ways without daily operational and tactical pressures and decisions sapping time is a good thing.

Is it possible to forget everything for a few weeks, NO in my view, but is it possible to shift focus and change priorities yes.  I sleep more, I read more, I think more flexibly, I get more time on my own.  all good things, but I also get to play more, talk more if I want to and spend time with people I love